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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

DoJ Pushing T-Mobile for “More”

DOJ pushing for More - NWIDAUpdating our earlier report, CNBC is reporting that while Dish and T-Mobile are near a deal, there are hurdles to overcome.

The DOJ is pushing Deutsche Telekom to give Dish a sweeter deal to ensure they can be an effective fourth player in the wireless industry.

The DOJ wants Deutsche Telekom to give Dish unlimited access to its network, T-Mobile has pushed back, arguing Dish should only be given access to 12.5% of the network’s capacity.

Additionally, Dish would have access to a combined T-Mobile/Sprint network for about six or seven years. After that, Dish would be forced to move its wireless airwaves onto a network that it has built for itself.

Given Dish’s need for more capital to build a network, T-Mobile has also asked that no strategic investor take more than a 5% stake in Dish, said the people. This would limit Dish’s ability to rely on a company with a huge balance, such as Google or Amazon, for capital to build a network quickly.

Read the entire article here

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