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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA selects Prepay Nation as Partner of Choice for Mobile Topup

Today, we announced a new Vendor Partner (VP) and we’re very excited. The text is below and the link to the web version is HERE:

Berwyn, PA November 22, 2017 — The National Wireless Independent Dealer Association
(NWIDA), one of the only membership based organization which supports and
advocates for independent wireless retailers across the United States, has partnered
with Prepay Nation, a leading provider of Real-Time Mobile Top ups and cross-border
prepaid mobile airtime transfers. The partnership will enable all the members of
NWIDA access to special pricing and promotions for Mobile Airtime purchases.
International and Domestic Mobile Top-ups are estimated to be a $30 Billion business
per annum in the US. The prepaid mobile phones are more popular among the
consumers in the cities in the NE and the Southern states where there is larger
population of immigrants..

“Mobile Top-up helps drive consistent foot traffic into the wireless stores and brings
the customer back in the door at least once a month,” said Robb Schoener, Director of
Channel Development at Prepay Nation. “With this partnership, we hope to provide a
very easy to use portal for the NWIDA members and help them drive extra revenue.”

“Our primary focus is always on providing greater and greater value for our members,”
said Adam Wolf, President of NWIDA. “We are leading the path for our Independent Wireless
retailer members to enhance their sales revenue and profit margins by tapping into
the group purchasing power of the associations and its partners. Bringing Prepay
Nation’s portal into the fold is exciting news for us and for all our members. We are
confident that our members will love this new opportunity” added Mr. Wolf.

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