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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Gift Cards

Offer store gift cards from Valutec and NWIDA members get special benefits!NWIDA has partnered with Valutec – the leader in electronic gift & loyalty card processing. If you want to offer your own store gift cards to your customers, Valutec has a great way for NWIDA members to get started:

NWIDA member offer: Receive multiple discounts: 

  • The first 100 plastic cards are free!
  • Sell the 100 gift cards for $25, $50, or $100+ apiece. This brings in thousands of pre-paid dollars to reinvest in your business.
  • Gift Cards are a huge profit center for many retailers.
  • Transactions can be run on a web browser or desktop terminal

Gift Card Facts:

  • Gift cards give merchants a 32% ticket lift.
  • Upon redemption, customers leave about 22% of the value of a gift card on the card…unused.
  • A single gift card purchase drives an average of three trips to the merchant’s business.

With incentives for the giver (e.g. buy $100 gift card and receive $10 promo card) and the receiver (e.g. redeem this weekend and receive 15% off your total purchase), you can reward both parties and encourage return visits.

As a NWIDA Member, you’ll get exclusive discounts. Join today to start saving.

For more details on Valuetec, email Josh at – tell them NWIDA sent you!


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