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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association


Welcome to the National Wireless Independent Dealer Association (just call us NWIDA.)  We are the association designed by wireless veterans just for the independent dealer.

While running a Master Agency, I used the tag line “the No B.S. Master” and I meant it. We were always upfront with our dealers, and I’ve taken that philosophy and created NWIDA.  We’re here to answer questions, provide discounts on the products and services you need* and use every day, and get you content you can’t find anywhere else.

So, why is there an asterisk after “need” – because we don’t sell phones, parts or accessories. There are a lot of folks who do that – and you can read and rate them in THE LIST – our growing and comprehensive guide to phone, parts and accessory suppliers.

We’re here for the back office stuff – Payroll, Human Resources, Benefits, Marketing, Business Phone Systems, Signage and much much more.

We’re here so our members can ask questions of our expert panel – our Board of Advisers.

We’re here to help you grow your business.

So, take a look around – we hope you’ll join today. If you have any questions, just let us know

– Adam Wolf



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