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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

FCC Seeks Comment on T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

NWIDA - Be HeardWireless Dealers – BE HEARD!

The FCC Pleading Cycle has been established for the proposed T-Mobile-Sprint merger. Now it’s your chance to weigh in on the deal and its implications,

Petitions to deny the deal are due Aug. 27, oppositions to those are due Sept. 17, and replies are due Oct. 9.NWIDA T-Mobile Sprint Merger

The FCC opened a docket on the deal June 15, but had not started the informal 180-day shot clock, saying it was still vetting the application to make sure it was complete. As of Wednesday (July 18) it had been accepted for filing and, presumably, the clock will be starting.

The clock is informal and is what triggers a restart or start. Given the stops and non-starts during the vetting of the Sinclair-Tribune deal, it is often difficult to predict, a point that has been made both inside and outside the FCC.

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